Junetta (Denault) Bertrand

Junetta Denault was born on October 6, 1928. She was the oldest of twelve children on a farm in Pilot Township near Herscher, Illinois. Her parents were Eugene (who was the youngest of his family of eight) and Perdella (Legris) Denault. Junetta attended a country school about one and one-quarter mile from home until she was in the fourth grade. Then Eugene enrolled the children in the parochial school of St. James in Irwin, Illinois. All the children attended that school until grade school graduation. From there, Junetta attended Herscher High School.
Junetta married Duane A. Bertrand on September 25, 1948. They had six children (two died in infancy and are buried in San Antonio, Texas). Duane enlisted in the Air Force and the couple spent eleven months at the Continental Divide Air Base in Gallop (the Indian capital), New Mexico. Junetta worked at the J.C. Penny store while Duane car pooled to the Continental Divide Air Base. Duane was then transferred to San Antonio, Texas where the couple lived until he was discharged in 1954. They moved back to Illinois at that time.
Junetta and Duane then had four children: Leanne Mary, Duane Gerard, Jeanne Catherine, and Janette Marie. They have nine grandchildren (one deceased) and one step grandchild. All of their family live near them. The furthest away is Janette who lives in Bonfield, Illinois.