Leland Ponton

Mr. Leland Ponton with his first cousin Sharon Emerson (Reno).
Generation 5—Joe A. Ponton and Anna Marie Reno—Married Sep. 23, 1935
Generation 6 Leland and Carolyn Farthing—Apr. 4, 1960
Generation 7 & 8 Gale and Rena Huggins with Nicole
This clock belonged to Leland's Great Grandmother, Morning Star, sister of Geronimo.
Cobbler forms for repairing shoes, inherited from Great Grandfather Joseph.
Sheller, husking peg, caboose latern, pullies for block and tackle, and large saw blade. (All in center)
Horse collar pictured in center.
Willow tree where man was buried.
Leland's Guitar
Burr Mill pictured with wood planes and steel wagon wheels.
Oak tree that generations of Ponton's have climbed.
Indian medicine stones, found in area.
Indian artifacts, most were found in area.
More Indian artifacts, most were found in area.