Roast Pork and Graisse De Roti
![Roas Pork and Graisse de Roti](./images/Roast_Pork_French.jpg)
- 4 or 5 lb. loin and pork
- 2 cloves garlic
- 1 cup water
Make incision in loin and place pieces of garlic at random salt & pepper liberally. Put pork in Dutch oven (iron best) uncovered in a 325° oven - cook 45 minutes per lb., place on platter - Graisse de roti. Add 1 cup water to drippings in pot, stirring and scraping bottom as liquid boils (may be necessary to remove some fat), serve roast warm, suggest garnish of chow-chow-mustard with pickles. Serve leftover pork cold with cold graisse de roti (leftover)Resources info goes here.